Elizabeth Lyne
Elizabeth Lyne graduated with 1st Class Honours from CIT Crawford College of Art and Design, BA. (Honours) in Fine Art, 2009. Awarded Best Honours Degree
Thesis in 2009; Best Bachelor Degree Student and Best Seminar Paper in 2008 by CIT CCAD.
"My work" she says, "has become an investigation into the physical space of painting by using a visual language that is quite reliant on colour,
materiality, structure and form. It is a continual process where objects or images might be referred to; layers are painted over, making some of
the work become a transitional stage. I have realised through my working process that it is possible to consider a painting's surrounding spatial
environment by how it can relate to other paintings around it. Other relationships and narratives are alluded to, or perhaps they come solidly into existence”.