Caoimhghin O Croidheain
Caoimhghin O Croidheain a much sought-after artist, obtained a BA (Hons) degree in Fine Art in NCAD and got a Masters degree from DCU in Communications and Cultural Studies.
Caoimhghin is an Irish speaker and holds a PhD in Language and Politics. He currently works in DCU and lectures part time on aesthetics and the history of Irish art for Boston
University in Dublin. He completed work in DCU as a Post-Doctoral researcher on the TRASNA project (a web-based database of references to translations of Irish literature globally).
O Croidheain is well known for his social realist art and vibrant collection of cityscapes, depicting Dublin as it is today, recording current states, trends and aspects that we
take for granted but can change tomorrow.
He also paints some very striking pieces examining the role of memory in old family photographs in a historic context. His work forms part of many civic, corporate and important
private collections.